Lasko vs. Mienten Tower Fans: The Ultimate Comparison Showdown!

Lasko vs. Mienten Tower Fans: The Ultimate Comparison Showdown!

When it comes to choosing the perfect tower fan, there are several factors to consider – brand reputation, product features, pricing, and customer feedback being some of the most important. In this article, we’ll be comparing two of the most popular tower fan brands – Lasko and Mitcent – to help you make an informed decision.

We’ll start off by looking at the backgrounds of the two companies, followed by an overview of their current product offerings. We’ll then delve into their marketing strategies before wrapping up the article with an analysis of customer satisfaction.

Lasko has been in the business of producing high-quality home comfort products for more than a century. Founded in 1906, the Pennsylvania-based company has built a reputation for innovation and affordability, making its products accessible to a wide range of consumers. Mitcent, on the other hand, is a relatively new player in the tower fan market but has quickly gained popularity thanks to its sleek, minimalist design and advanced features.

Both Lasko and Mitcent offer a variety of tower fan models in different sizes and price points. Lasko’s range includes traditional tower fans, bladeless models, and models with ionizers and air purifiers. Meanwhile, Mitcent’s lineup comprises of tower fans with oscillating bases, remote-controlled operation, and multiple speed settings.

In terms of their marketing strategies, Lasko has focused on traditional advertising channels such as television commercials and print media, while also leveraging social media to engage with customers. Mitcent, on the other hand, has relied on influencer marketing and word-of-mouth referrals to build its brand.

Finally, we’ll examine customer satisfaction by taking a look at product reviews and ratings on various e-commerce platforms. We’ll explore the pros and cons of each brand’s products, highlighting what sets them apart from one another.

Overall, both Lasko and Mitcent have a lot to offer in terms of quality, design, and performance. By considering the factors highlighted in this article, you’ll be well on your way to choosing the perfect tower fan for your home or office.

Company Background

Lasko and Midea are two of the most trusted names in the world of consumer-grade air conditioning units and tower fans. Both companies have a long history, a strong reputation, and a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

Lasko was founded in 1906 by Henry Lasko in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The company started by manufacturing metal hardware products and expanded its operations to include fans, heaters, and other home comfort products. Today, Lasko is a leading manufacturer of high-quality indoor air quality products. The company’s tower fans are known for their innovative design, energy efficiency, and quiet operation.

Midea, on the other hand, is a relatively new player in the US market. The company was founded in 1968 in Guangdong, China, and has quickly become one of the world’s largest producers of household appliances. Midea’s core mission is to create value for customers by providing innovative and high-quality products that improve their quality of life. The company’s tower fans are known for their advanced features, such as air ionizers and remote controls.

Lasko and Midea may have different backgrounds and histories, but they share a common commitment to customer satisfaction. Both companies have built strong reputations by providing high-quality products and exceptional customer support. Lasko’s commitment to energy efficiency and quiet operation has helped it win multiple awards from industry groups and consumer organizations. Midea’s focus on innovation and advanced features has helped it establish a loyal customer base in the US and around the world.

In conclusion, Lasko and Midea are two of the most respected and trusted brands in the world of tower fans and air conditioning units. Both companies have a long history and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Whether you choose a Lasko tower fan or a Midea tower fan, you can be confident that you are getting a high-quality product that will provide reliable performance and exceptional value for years to come.

Product Offerings

When it comes to choosing a tower fan for your home, two of the most popular brands on the market are Lasko and Mitcent. While both brands offer a range of tower fans with different features and specifications, it can be difficult to know which one you should choose. In this article, we will compare the quality and price of Lasko and Mitcent tower fans, and highlight any unique features or innovations that each brand offers.

Lasko Tower Fans

Lasko is a well-known brand in the tower fan industry, and they have a range of tower fans to suit different needs. Their tower fans are available in different sizes, with varying features such as oscillation, remote control, and adjustable speeds. While Lasko tower fans may be slightly more expensive than some other brands on the market, they are known for their high-quality construction and durability.

One of the unique features of Lasko tower fans is their Fresh Air Ionizer technology. This feature helps to purify the air in your home by emitting negative ions that attach to particles in the air, such as allergens or pollutants. This can help to improve the air quality in your home, which is especially important for people with allergies or respiratory problems.

Another benefit of Lasko tower fans is their ease of use. Most Lasko tower fans come with a remote control, which makes it easy to adjust the settings from across the room. They also have easy-to-use control panels on the fan itself, which allow you to adjust the speed and direction of the airflow with the touch of a button. This makes them a convenient and user-friendly option for homeowners.

Mitcent Tower Fans

Mitcent is a newer brand in the tower fan industry, but they have quickly gained popularity due to their innovative features and affordable prices. Mitcent tower fans are known for their modern design and sleek appearance, which make them a great addition to any home. They come in different sizes and styles, including oscillating and non-oscillating models.

One of the unique features of Mitcent tower fans is their quiet operation. Many homeowners appreciate a quiet fan, especially if they plan to use it in their bedroom or other quiet space. Mitcent fans are designed to be super quiet, so you can enjoy a cool breeze without any distracting noise.

Another benefit of Mitcent tower fans is their affordability. While some tower fans can be quite expensive, Mitcent offers their fans at an affordable price point without sacrificing quality. This makes them a great option for homeowners who want a high-quality tower fan at an affordable price.

Finally, Mitcent tower fans are known for their advanced technology. Many of their tower fans come with innovative features, such as WiFi connectivity, voice control, and programmable settings. These features make it easy to control the fan from your smartphone or other device, and can help you to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

Overall, both Lasko and Mitcent offer high-quality tower fans with different features and price points. Whether you choose a Lasko tower fan with their Fresh Air Ionizer technology, or a Mitcent tower fan with advanced technology and quiet operation, you can rest assured that you’re getting a great product for your home.

Marketing Strategies

When it comes to marketing tower fans, Lasko and Mitcent both have their unique strategies to reach their target audience. Lasko focuses on traditional marketing methods, while Mitcent prefers a more digital approach. In this article, we will analyze the marketing tactics of both brands, discuss their target audience, and compare the effectiveness of their advertising.

Lasko’s Marketing Strategies

Lasko has been around for more than 100 years, and the company has established a reputation for manufacturing high-quality tower fans. Lasko’s target audience is homeowners who value quality and durability over price. The company’s marketing strategy involves partnering with retailers, using social media, and traditional advertising methods like television and print media.

Lasko’s tower fans are available in major retail stores across the country, such as Home Depot, Walmart, and Best Buy. The company partners with these retailers to carry out in-store promotions and to provide exclusive deals for their customers. Furthermore, their social media presence is solid with active campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Lasko uses social media to promote their new product launches, educate customers on their products, answer customer queries and offer exclusive deals.

Lasko advertises their products through traditional media, including television commercials, print ads in magazines, and newspapers. The company uses these media to showcase its new product portfolios, highlight product features and benefit, and communicate its brand message to a broader audience.

Mitcent’s Marketing Strategies

Mitcent, on the other hand, is a relatively new company that operates mainly online. Their primary marketing strategy revolves around digital methods, including social media, email marketing, and content marketing. Mitcent positions itself as a budget-friendly alternative to Lasko and targets a broader market with household income between $50K to $100K.

Mitcent’s social media campaigns are well curated with a vibrant presence on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The company actively engages with customers on these platforms, employs online ads, and offers exclusive deals and promotions for their followers. They are also known for providing high-quality customer support via social media.

Mitcent uses email marketing to reach its potential customers and keep them updated on their latest products and offers. They have a strong presence on major e-commerce platforms like Amazon and their website with great user experience with a focus on product descriptions, images, and videos.

Mitcent also employs content marketing effectively with tailored blog articles and video content that educate their potential customers on the advantages of using their products. The content discusses topics such as how to pick the best fans, tower fans and energy efficiency, and the latest trends in the tower fan industry.

Comparing Lasko and Mitcent’s Marketing Strategies

Both Lasko and Mitcent have developed highly effective marketing strategies to reach out to their target audiences. However, the choice of marketing channels is what sets both brands apart. Lasko still focuses on traditional marketing strategies; they have a broad reach and continue to use print media and television commercials to attract customers. In contrast, Mitcent leverages more digital marketing strategies like social media, video content, and email campaigns to reach their customers.

The target audience of both brands is different as well. While Lasko targets homeowners who are willing to pay more for quality, durability, and brand value, Mitcent caters to a broader audience with a focus on younger families and younger demographic looking for budget-friendly options.


Lasko and Mitcent both understand their target audience’ needs and economic profiles and use unique marketing strategies to reach them effectively. While Lasko employs traditional marketing strategies, Mitcent uses digital channels to communicate with their customers. Regardless of the approach, both brands continue to be successful in capturing the attention and loyalty of their target audiences.

Customer Satisfaction

When it comes to purchasing a tower fan, customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors to consider. Lasko and Mitcent are two popular brands that are known for producing quality tower fans that are designed to keep you cool during the hot summer months. In this article, we will review the customer feedback and ratings for each brand, discuss the level of customer service provided by each brand, and compare any guarantees or warranties offered by each brand.

Customer Feedback and Ratings
Both Lasko and Mitcent have received positive feedback and ratings from customers who have purchased their tower fans. Customers have praised Lasko for their ability to produce quiet tower fans that are powerful enough to cool down a room. Lasko fans are known for their energy efficiency, sleek design, and ease of use. Mitcent has also received high ratings from customers who have experienced the cooling power of their tower fans. Customers have noted the quality of Mitcent’s construction and how well their tower fans blend in with their home decor.

Level of Customer Service
Lasko and Mitcent both provide excellent customer service to their customers. Customers can reach out to Lasko and Mitcent’s customer service teams for assistance in setting up and maintaining their tower fans. Both Lasko and Mitcent have customer service teams that are knowledgeable and responsive to customer inquiries. They have also streamlined their customer service offerings, so customers can quickly and easily find answers to their questions.

Guarantees and Warranties
When it comes to guarantees and warranties, Lasko and Mitcent have slightly different offerings. Lasko offers a one-year limited warranty for their tower fans. This warranty covers any manufacturing defects. Lasko also offers an additional five-year warranty for select tower fans, which covers the motor in the tower fan. Mitcent offers a one-year warranty that covers any defects in the tower fan. Mitcent’s warranty also covers certain parts of the tower fan, including the fan blade, motor, and remote control. Overall, both Lasko and Mitcent offer warranties that provide peace of mind for customers in case something goes wrong with their tower fan.

Both Lasko and Mitcent are excellent options for anyone in the market for a tower fan. Both brands have received high ratings and positive feedback from customers who have purchased their tower fans. Lasko’s fans are known for their powerful and quiet cooling ability, while Mitcent’s fans are praised for their quality construction and design. Additionally, both Lasko and Mitcent provide excellent customer service and guarantees and warranties that provide added protection for customers. Whether you are in need of a tower fan for your home or office, you can’t go wrong with choosing Lasko or Mitcent.

Corporate Social Responsibility

When it comes to choosing consumer-grade tower fans, not only do we want to invest in a product that is effective in keeping us cool and comfortable, but we also want to support brands that prioritize corporate social responsibility (CSR). In this article, we will be analyzing the CSR efforts of two popular tower fan brands, Lasko and Mitcent.

Lasko has been in the business of producing high-quality home comfort products for over 100 years. In recent years, the company has made an effort to prioritize sustainability in their operations. One notable example of this is their investment in renewable energy sources. Lasko has installed 18 wind turbines on the company’s property, which generates approximately 60% of the energy needed for their primary manufacturing facility. This not only reduces their carbon footprint significantly, but it also saves Lasko a considerable amount of money on energy costs.

In addition to renewable energy, Lasko has also implemented other sustainable practices throughout their operations. For instance, they have implemented a recycling program that has allowed them to recycle more than 90% of their manufacturing waste. Additionally, they have upgraded their lighting systems, which has resulted in a significant reduction in energy consumption.

Mitcent, on the other hand, is a relatively new brand in the tower fan market. However, this company has made a name for itself by prioritizing sustainability and social responsibility in their operations. For instance, Mitcent has made it a priority to use eco-friendly materials in their products. Their tower fans are made from high-quality materials that are non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals, which means that they are both safe for consumers and the environment.

Mitcent has also implemented an array of sustainable practices throughout their operations. For example, they have invested in energy-efficient lighting systems and have set up a recycling program for their manufacturing waste. In addition, they have partnered with to offset their carbon emissions. Through this partnership, Mitcent invests in renewable energy projects and carbon reductions, effectively making their operations carbon-neutral.

When it comes to charitable contributions and partnerships, both Lasko and Mitcent have made strides in giving back to their communities. Lasko has partnered with the American Heart Association and Autism Speaks to support their fundraising efforts. Additionally, they have made donations to several organizations, including the United Way and the Johnstown Flood Museum.

Mitcent, on the other hand, has made a significant commitment to supporting environmental causes. They have partnered with several organizations, including the World Wildlife Fund and Rainforest Foundation US. Through these partnerships, Mitcent has donated a portion of its profits to support wildlife conservation and rainforest preservation efforts.

In conclusion, when it comes to CSR, both Lasko and Mitcent have made impressive efforts to prioritize sustainability and social responsibility. Lasko has invested in renewable energy and implemented recycling programs, while Mitcent has made an effort to use eco-friendly materials and offset their carbon emissions. Both brands have also made charitable contributions to support worthy causes. As consumers, we can feel good about investing in products from these brands, knowing that they are committed to making a positive impact on the environment and society.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are Lasko tower fans easy to assemble?

Yes, Lasko tower fans are generally easy to assemble. Most models come with clear instructions, and many customers report that they are able to assemble their fan in less than 15 minutes without any issues. Lasko fans typically have a minimal number of parts that need to be put together, and no special tools are required. However, if you do run into any difficulties during the assembly process, Lasko’s customer service team is always available to help.

2. How noisy are Mitcent tower fans?

Mitcent tower fans are generally considered to be very quiet. Many customers report that they are able to use their Mitcent fan in a bedroom without it disturbing their sleep. However, all fans do make some noise, so it’s important to note that there will always be some level of sound when using a tower fan. Mitcent fans have a reputation for being very efficient, so you’ll be able to enjoy a cool breeze without any annoying whirring or buzzing noises.

3. How much energy do Lasko tower fans use?

Lasko tower fans are known for their energy efficiency. On average, a Lasko fan uses between 40 and 100 Watts of power. This is significantly less than many other types of household fans, making Lasko fans a great choice for anyone looking to save on their energy bills. Additionally, many Lasko fans are designed to be used in conjunction with air conditioning units, allowing you to reduce your AC usage and save even more money on your energy bills.

4. Do Mitcent fans come with a remote control?

Yes, many Mitcent tower fans come with a remote control. This allows you to easily adjust the fan’s speed or turn it on or off from across the room. If you’re using your Mitcent fan in a bedroom, having a remote control can be especially convenient, as it allows you to adjust the fan’s settings without getting out of bed. Some Mitcent models even come with a remote control that includes a timer function, so you can set your fan to turn off after a certain amount of time.

5. Can Lasko fans be used outdoors?

No, Lasko fans are not designed to be used outdoors. These fans are designed for indoor use only, and using them outside could cause damage to the fan’s motor or electrical components. If you need a fan for outdoor use, it’s best to look for a fan that has been specifically designed for outdoor use. These fans are generally weather-resistant and come with features that make them more durable in outdoor environments.


When it comes to finding the perfect tower fan, it can be tough to know where to start. With so many brands and models available, it can be overwhelming to try to sift through all the options. One of the most popular brands on the market today is Lasko, known for its quality and sleek design. Another contender is Mitcent, which offers a range of features and settings for consumers to enjoy. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at both Lasko and Mitcent, along with a third option that may be a better fit for certain consumers.

First, let’s discuss Lasko. This brand has been a trusted name in home appliances for over 100 years, and it’s easy to see why. Their tower fans are well-designed, durable, and provide excellent cooling power. Some of the most popular models include the Lasko T42950, Lasko 2511, and Lasko Wind Curve. These fans offer a range of features, such as adjustable fan speeds, oscillation, and timers. They also come in a variety of sizes to suit different room sizes and cooling needs.

On the other hand, Mitcent is a newer player in the tower fan market, but they’ve quickly established themselves as a solid choice for consumers. Their fans include features like an air purifier and ionizer, along with multiple fan modes and timers. Some standout models include the Mitcent TF-966, Mitcent TF-928, and Mitcent TF-951. While Mitcent doesn’t have the same long-standing reputation as Lasko, they offer competitive prices and plenty of settings to keep users comfortable.

Now, let’s talk about another brand that might be a better fit for certain consumers: Dyson. While Dyson tower fans are on the higher end of the price spectrum, they offer advanced features and cutting-edge technology. For example, the Dyson Pure Cool TP04 includes a HEPA air filter, voice control, and a sleek design that looks great in any room. It’s also one of the quietest tower fans on the market, making it an ideal choice for bedrooms or offices.

In terms of future developments or innovations, both Lasko and Mitcent have indicated their commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. Lasko has made strides in reducing their carbon footprint and ensuring their products meet the highest environmental standards. Mitcent has also developed special eco-friendly modes that help reduce energy consumption. As consumers become more conscious of their impact on the environment, we can expect both brands to continue making strides in this area.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing a tower fan, there are plenty of options available. Lasko and Mitcent are both solid choices, with their own unique range of features and benefits. However, for those willing to invest in higher-end technology and design, Dyson may offer the best fit. As these brands continue to innovate and improve their products, consumers can expect even more advanced options for their cooling needs.

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